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A B Paterson College
Arundel, QLD

The A.B Paterson College Athletics Club provides further opportunities for students, staff and alumni of the College to engage in additional athletics opportunities outside the regular school’s season. The club caters for A.B Paterson College students (aged 12-19 years old) wishing to train and compete in Track & Field and/or Cross Country to support its year-round athletics program. The program is for students and caters for students of all abilities and event groups, supported by quality coaches.

The philosophy of the Club is to support the co-curricular offerings available to students and grow a life-long enjoyment of sport and physical activity through athletics. Our registered athletes range from young beginners and social athletes through to those aspiring to represent Australia.


Email using the link below for membership link if you are an ABP student or alumni.


Membership Fee: $0.00 *on top of the Qld Athletics membership fee       

Location: A.B Paterson College, Arundel, Gold Coast



Matt Stopel Throws

Jasmine Hayes Sprints, Hurdles and Jumps

Ryan Sydenham Sprints and Hurdles

Steve Jackson Middle & Long Distance & Cross Country


Training: As distributed to the College Community

Gold Coast Athletics Inc
Miami, QLD

Gold Coast Athletics was incorporated in 2016 to primarily provide a pathway for those athletes who are members of our associated club – Gold Coast Little Athletics. We welcome other local athletes to join in and be a part of a centrally located athletics club at Pizzey Park.


Membership Fee:  $30.00 *on top of the Qld Athletics membership fee
Location: Pizzey Park, Pizzey Drive MIAMI
Coaches: Chris Lewis Sprints, Hurdles & Relays - Level 4 Specialist
  Steve Langley Long/Middle Distance, Walks - Level 2
  Joel Ottaway Level 2 Club Coach
  Ashanti Heap Level 1 Community Athletics Coach
Training: Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays  


Gold Coast Victory Athletics
Runaway Bay, QLD

Gold Coast Athletics Club was formed in 1969, and amalgamated with Victory Sports Athletics Club in 2000. Gold Coast Victory has been home to national and international champions such as Sally Pearson, Sharon Jaklofsky, Michael Shelley, Riley Day and Liz Clay. GCV caters for all levels of athletes from 12 years of age and up across all athletics events.


Membership Fee:  Gold/Platinum $50
Base Membership $28.00
*on top of the Qld Athletics membership fee
Location: Gold Coast Performance Centre, Sports Drive RUNAWAY BAY
Coaches: Peter Hannan World Athletics Academy Coach (HJ & Comb Events) - Level 5
Specialist Coach (Jumps) - Level 4
  Sharon Hannan Specialist Coach Sprints, Hurdles & Relays - Level 4
Junior Coach - Level 3a
  Howard Arbuthnot Athletics Australia Jumps - Level 3 (specialising in Pole Vault)
  Robyn Wales Walks - Level 3a
  Brett Green World Athletics Academy (Throws) - Level 5
Middle & Long Distance - Level 3a
  Andrew Arkinstall World Athletics (Middle & Long Distance) - Level 3a
  Cherry Harvey Level 4 Specialist Coach - Sprints (100/200/400m)
Level 2 Advanced Coach - Throws (specialising in Javelin)
Training: Different squads have difference training times and venues.
Contact the club for further details



Ignition Athletics Club
Mudgeeraba, QLD

Ignition is dedicated to fuelling opportunities through sharing & building knowledge, exposing & developing natural talent and striving to complement the individual character of the athlete. We aim to achieve this by attracting a diverse range of people who are engaged, passionate and valued, who in turn are committed to the success of our organisation; developing the skills and capabilities or our members through quality education and mentoring programs; fostering the growth of the sport across all athletics disciplines and memberships, by linking with community partners – in particular schools – to build a diverse membership base; blending the pathways between grass root athletics and the elite level, to promote longevity of careers; and nurturing a friendly, supportive, respectful environment, that instils a culture of fairness and sportsmanship.


Membership Fee:  $40.00 *on top of the Qld Athletics membership fee
Location: Somerset College, Somerset Drive MUDGEERABA
Coaches: Leanne Hines-Smith Griffith University
Somerset College
Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps, Relays - Level 4
  Tony Fairweather Griffith University
Ashmore LA grass track
Sprints, Relays - Level 4
  Alison Fairweather Griffith University
Ashmore LA grass track
Sprints - Level 3a
  Malcolm Muir Griffith University
Somerset College
Mudgeeraba LA grass track
Sprints, Middle Distance - Level 3a
  Brett Robinson Somerset College Sprints - Level 3a
  Todd Ransome Somerset College Sprints, Jumps - Level 2
  Phil Newton Somerset College
Northern NSW
ATFCA Elite Performance Coach (Jumps, Hurdles, Combined Events) - Level 4
  Mark Ladbrook Somerset College Sprints, Hurdles, Middle Distance, Relays - Level 4
  Amanda Scott Somerset College Jumps - Level 2a
Club Coach - Level 2
  Candice McKenna Somerset College Middle Distance - Level 2
Jumps - Level 1
  Casey West Somerset College
Mudgeeraba LA grass track
Sprints, Middle Distance - Lvel 2a
  Glynis Nunn Runaway Bay
Ashmore LA grass track
ATFA Elita Performance Coach (Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps, Relays, Throws, Combined Events) - Level 5
  Tony Baker Springwood LA track ATFCA Elita Performance Coach (Sprints, Middle Distance, Distance) - Level 4
  Garth Plank Griffith University PARA - Wheelchair & Road Racing Coach
Training: Mondays to Fridays



Queensland Race Walking Club

Qld Racewalking Club is excited to announce that we have opened up our registration portal to members who wish to register with QRWC with a view to representing QRWC at QA meets in the coming year.

Our membership year will now commence in October each year to align with Qld Athletics' (QA) membership year.  This will allow athletes wishing to compete at QA events representing QRWC, to take out a combined QRWC/QA membership in or after October each year.  Once registered, athletes can represent QRWC at the various QA competitions held throughout the year, including the QA Road Walking Championships, QA Shield Meets and Qld Athletics Championships.  Please note that QA offers 3 levels of membership.  More information can be found at

Of course, for those athletes not wishing to compete at or represent QRWC at QA events, QRWC will retain the current membership options whereby only the QRWC club fee (ie.  $15 Student/$25 Non-Student) will apply.  This membership can be taken out at any time prior to the start of the QRWC winter season in April 2022.

All QRWC memberships taken out from this point onwards, irrespective of whether a QA membership is also included, will remain valid until September 2022 and will cover the traditional QRWC winter racewalking season.


Membership Fee:  $25.00*
*club fee on top of Qld Athletics membership (Base $12, Gold $110, Platinum $220)
Location: contact us for locations
Coaches: Noela McKinven Walks - Level 4
  Robyn Wales Walks - Level 3
  Shane Pearson Walks - Level 3
  Steve Langley Walks - Level 2
Training: contact us for days, times and locations  



Runaway Bay Athletics Club
Runaway Bay, QLD

To register with Runaway Bay Athletics Club please contact Deborah Eales on 0409 726 120.

Registration is not accepted through this portal.

A B Paterson College

Location: Arundel, QLD

Gold Coast Athletics Inc

Location: Miami, QLD

Gold Coast Victory Athletics

Location: Runaway Bay, QLD

Ignition Athletics Club

Location: Mudgeeraba, QLD

Queensland Race Walking Club

Location: , QLD

Runaway Bay Athletics Club

Location: Runaway Bay, QLD